Every year we save thousands of lives thanks to our ground-breaking research and innovative health initiatives.
But to do this we really do rely on the generosity of people like you to help us continue our vital work.
There are lots of ways to donate to us - from creating a fund in memory of a loved one to helping fund our big projects.
Please remember to Gift Aid your donation.

How much would you like to donate?


We have a wide range of products for you to choose and donate. Please select your product or choose your own amount of more than £3 below. You will be then redirected to a page to enter your information for donation purposes.

Product Quantity Net Price
You may donate any amount of more than £3 to Sankara Eye Foundation. Any contribution by you plays a high impact in people's lives.
Sponsor a cataract surgery
For as little as £15, you can sponsor a cataract eye surgery in India To read more about cataract surgery you may visit SECI, NHS, Wikipedia
£ x
Sponsor 100 post-surgery glasses to patients for just £30
£ x
Sponsor a surgery every year for the next 10 years
£ x
Food expenses
Food expenses for 1 day for 200 patients in any unit except CBE and Guntur (includes Breakfast, Lunch, Tea & Dinner) for only £235
£ x
One Eye Camp
Sponsor an eye camp for only £300.
£ x
Wall of founders
Become a founding donor in one of our new eye hospital projects in India for £750
£ x
Golden Wall of founders
Become a founding donor for a good and genuine cause and get your name or your beloved's name engraved on the golden wall of founders.
£ x
Grand Total